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KOSEA Creative STEAM Camp

Edupark Co., Ltd., collaboration with the Regional Center for STEM Education of the Southeast Asian Minister of Education Organization (SEAMEO STEM-ED Center) and the Korea Trade-Investment Promotion Agency: KOTRA) organized an activity KOSEA Creative STEAM Camp for disadvantaged students around Amata Nakorn Industrial Estate with 120 students from various schools attended as follows: Wat Sri Pracharam School, Ban Yan Sue School, Wat Woraporn Tasangkhawat School, Wat Ban Kao School, and Ban Bang Samae School, which was held at the Science-Based Technology Vocational College on December 8, 2020, at Chonburi.

㈜에듀파크는 동남아 교육부장관 STEM교육센터(SEAMO STEM-ED센터)와 한국무역투자진흥공사(KOTRA)와 공동으로 나카타주변 취약계층을 위한 KOSEA 창의증기캠프를 조직하였습니다. 다양한 학교가 다음과 같이 참석했습니다. 2020년 12월 8일 과학기반기술직업대학에서 열린 왓스리프라카람학교, 반옌수학교, 왓워라폰타상카왓학교, 반방사매학교가 천부리에서 열렸습니다.

The event was honored by Mr. Jeon Jo Young, Minister Embassy of the Republic of Korea in Thailand, Mr. Kim Hyun Tae, General Director of KOTRA Bangkok, Dr. Pornpan Waithyangkul, Regional Center Director on STEM Education (SEAMEO STEM-ED Center), Mr. Manop Chinaprayoon, Vice President of the Chonburi Chamber of Commerce, and Dr. Peerapong Pansoda, Director of the College also Science-Based Technology Vocational College (Chonburi) co-chaired the opening of this event with cooperation from Khun Jintana Pornraksamanee, Managing Director of Edupark Company Limited, Mr. Kim Hyen Tae, CEO of Digital Stark and Mr. Moon Jin Woong, Director of LOCK&LOCK, and various agencies that support this event.

Activities are divided into three parts, Battle of the number (a board game from South Korea to help develop computational skills), Creative STEAM (hands-on activity for students with an integrated knowledge of mathematics, science, technology, engineering, and arts to be used in solving problems), and make a creative product such as wind energy car and catapult.

이 행사는 전조영 주태국 한국대사관장, 김현태 KOTRA 방콕 총국장, 포른판 와이트양쿨 박사, 스템 교육 지역센터장(SEAMO STEM-ED 센터)이 주관했습니다.과학기반기술직업전문대학원(촌부리)은 쿤진타나 포르나크사마네이에 에듀파크 유한회사 상무, 김현태 디지털스타크 대표이사, 문진웅 문 이사 등의 협조를 얻어 이번 행사의 개막을 공동주최했습니다.이 이벤트를 지원하는 여러 기관을 잠급니다.

활동은 숫자 배틀(한국에서 온 보드게임으로 계산능력 개발을 돕는 게임), 크리에이티브 스팀(수학, 과학, 기술, 공학, 예술에 대한 통합지식을 가진 학생들이 문제를 해결하는 체험활동), 풍력에너지 자동차 등 창의적 제품을 만드는 3가지로 구분됩니다.







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